All Orders of Rs.10,000 or Above Value are Subject to Pay 10% Amount of the Order in Advance & Rs.500 Advance In Small Orders
Baby Bazar promise to offer top quality, competitive price, good communication,fast shipment and nice service. We would normally ship your orders out in 1-2 working days. baby bazar is online shopping store which tends to provide its customers the most demanded products in the lowest prices available on any online store . we are even challenging the competitors with our pricing. fabric of those items is superb quality appreciated by every single customer. if any one doubts that they can verify it on our facebook page review section( Baby Bazar) page name mentioned .
Shipping: Baby Bazar will send your item in 2 working days. All will be shipped by the shipping method M&P or Post office.
Return policy: If you are not satisfied with our quality, please send back to us, Baby Bazar will return your money..
Feedback: Dear Customers, we appreciate your business, if you are satisfied with our service, please leave us a positive feedback and rate the details of the transaction. Your recognition will make us more confident to develop business and will encourage us more to serve you even better.
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Please Note: Due to difference in customer’s screen settings there might be a slight difference of color in the product image available on website and actual product delivered to you.please keep that under consideration.
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At we challenge all the websites for the lowest price. We can ensure that we don't just meet the price but beat it for you. So go on right ahead, let us know the details and give us some hours. We'll get you a better rate and great price overall! Happy challenging! Love, Telemart.
I have ordered from Baby Bazar multiple times and have always been fully satisfied. The quality of their products and service is exceptional. Highly recommended!
Farhan Ullah
Islamabad, Pakistan
My kids absolutely love shopping at Baby Bazar! It's always a fun and enjoyable experience for them.
Rehman Khan
Lahore, Pakistan
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Sidrah Shabbir
Gujrawala, Pakistan
I am Regular Customer Of Baby Bazar, Fully Satisfied, Highly Recomended!
Sana Sehar
Karachi, Pk
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